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News and Announcements Longwood Middle School


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Longwood Welcomes Districts From Across Suffolk County to Unite for Public Education

The Longwood Central School District was proud to welcome close to 400 public education leaders, representing three-quarters of the school districts from Suffolk County, to advocate for our students, schools, and communities at the Longwood Legislative Breakfast, co-sponsored by ESBOCES and Suffolk Region PTA. Now in its 21st year, the event continues to address the ongoing challenges facing public education and the potential impact on students.

Longwood Community Connections Committee Hosts Successful MLK Unity Walk!

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the District’s Community Connections Committee proudly hosted the Annual Unity Walk on Saturday, January 18, 2025, bringing together hundreds of participants for a meaningful celebration of diversity, peace, and solidarity.

Fifth Graders Exemplify the Spirit of Giving: Stockings for Soldiers and Veterans

This holiday season, fifth-grade students from Mrs. Mackenzie’s, Mr. Burghardt’s, and Mrs. O’Connor’s classes are exemplifying the true spirit of giving by assembling 75 Christmas stockings for troops serving overseas as part of the Stockings for Soldiers program. In addition, they extended their kindness to local veterans, ensuring that their gratitude reached those who have served both near and far.

LMS Hosts Balloons Over Broadway

Our sixth-grade students recently completed an exceptional Balloons Over Broadway project, seamlessly integrating creativity, engineering, and storytelling, which produced impressive results.

Longwood Educators Recognized at Board of Education Tenure Presentation

Before the start of the November 7 meeting, the Board of Education and Central Administration recognized and celebrated 19 newly-tenured administrators and teachers. 

Scott Reese Appointed Director of Curriculum for Math and Science

The Longwood Central School District is proud to announce the appointment of Mr. Scott Reese as the new Director of Curriculum for Math and Science. Mr. Reese brings extensive experience and a deep commitment to education, having served as Assistant Principal of Longwood High School since 2004.

SAVE Mandate and Emergency Procedures

In accordance with the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) mandate from the New York School Education Department, important information is available regarding school safety.

Be Part of our Board and District Committees!

The Longwood Board of Education is seeking members of the community to participate on school board and district committees for the 2024-2025 school year.

Robert Neugebauer Named Director of Physical Education, Health, and Athletics

The Longwood School District is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Neugebauer as the new Director of Physical Education, Health, and Athletics.

2024-2025 School Calendar and Parent Guide

We're pleased to share that the 2024-2025 Longwood Central School District Calendar and Parent Guide is now available online, with printed copies arriving in mailboxes the week of Monday, August 19, 2024.

Districtwide School Safety Plan

As per Commissioner Regulation Part 155.17, school districts are required to develop districtwide school safety plans in alignment with building-level emergency response plans.  A Districtwide School Safety Team has been appointed and charged with plan development.

Board of Education Holds Annual Reorganization Meeting for the 2024-2025 School Year

The Longwood Board of Education recently held its annual reorganization meeting, where trustees, and the slate of officers and administrators were administered the Oath of Office.  

Middle School Hosts Volunteerism Day

Longwood Middle School recently hosted an exciting Fire and Emergency Services Volunteerism Day featuring the Coram, Middle Island, Ridge, Yaphank, and Gordon Heights fire departments, along with the Suffolk County Police and Sheriff Departments.

Three Board Members Earn Achievement Awards Through NYSSBA

In recognition of their extensive time and effort in continuing to expand their knowledge and skills for better board governance, three of our dedicated Board members were honored at the May 9 meeting for earning achievement awards from the New York State School Board Association!

2024-2025 Budget/Bond Vote and Board Election

On Tuesday, May 21, our school community will be asked to vote on our annual school budget that will ensure that our students continue to receive a well-rounded education and an engaging learning environment, the election of three board members, and a bond proposal designed to maintain and upgrade our school district’s facilities, while we continue to expand upon opportunities and experiences for every student to reach their true potential.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Vaughn Denton Selected as a Champion of Diversity

Longwood School District’s Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel and Community Services, Dr. Vaughn Denton, was recently honored as a special guest of Legislator Caracappa at the April 9 General Meeting of the Suffolk County Legislature for being designated the Fourth Legislative District’s “Champion of Diversity” for his continuous work in recognizing and celebrating our school community’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence.

District Hosts Another Successful Annual Technology Showcase!

On Tuesday, March 26, close to 500 community members attended an exciting and interactive Districtwide Technology Showcase.

Our K-12 students and teachers demonstrated more than 100 applications of interactive instructional technologies, including BeeBots coding, i-Ready, FIRST LEGO initiatives, Esports, Book Creator, college and career-based technology pathways in networking, automotive mechanics, drones, competition-level high school robotics, and more!

NAMM Designates Longwood as Best Community for Music Education

We are proud to announce that Longwood Central School District has been honored, for the 16th consecutive year, as one of the nation’s best communities for music education by The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation for our outstanding commitment to music education.

Solar Eclipse - Monday, April 8, 2024

On the afternoon of April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will be visible throughout New York State. Although Nassau and Suffolk County are not in the path of totality, residents will be able to see just under 90% coverage between approximately 2:00 and 4:30 pm, with peak coverage occurring at approximately 3:26 pm. 

In preparation for the Solar Eclipse, we have arranged to have eclipse-viewing glasses available for all of our students and staff so that they may witness this natural phenomenon safely. 

Legislative Committee Meets with Senate and Assembly Officials

As part of Longwood’s long-standing commitment to advocacy for public education, a team of 28 members from our Legislative Committee, including Board President Mrs. Victoria Molloy, Superintendent Dr. Lohman, administrators, students, and community members, traveled to the New York State Capitol to meet directly with representatives from the Senate and Assembly to advocate for critical issues impacting public education.

The 2024-2025 single-page calendar is now available!

The 2024-25 single-page calendar is now available!

Kindergarten Registration Opens!

Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open!   

Longwood 2024-2025 Universal Pre-Kindergarten Lottery Registration Opens

The Longwood Central School District, through participation in the New York State Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Grant, is providing a ten-month, five days per week, 5.5 hours per day (full-day) pre-school in September 2023. The program will follow the Longwood Central School District calendar.

Longwood Educators Shine at Tech Leadership Conferences

Recently, our Instructional Coaches for Technology - Ms. Brandi, Ms. Walczyk, Mr. Falk, and Ms. Rollins - took center stage at two prestigious educational conferences: the National Future of Education Technology and the Texas Computer Education Association.

Longwood Board of Education Candidate Packets

Starting Friday, March 1, community residents are welcome to pick up candidate packets for the Longwood Board of Education at the Office of the District Clerk, Central Office Administration Building, between 8:45 am - 2:30 pm.

Student-Musicians Selected for All-County Festival

Congratulations to our student musicians from Longwood High School, Junior High School, and Middle School who have been selected to perform in the Suffolk County Music Educators Association (SCMEA) All-County Festival held on March 9 and 10 at Southampton High School! These talented musicians, in grades five through 10, have demonstrated excellence with both their voices and instruments! 

Longwood Middle School Principal Selected as Advisory Board Member for Seventh Precinct

Longwood Middle School Principal Daniel McKeon has been selected as a Precinct Level Advisory Board Member for the Seventh Precinct for his commitment to community engagement, demonstrated leadership, and passion for contributing to the betterment of the people within the community.

New Mural Unveiled at Longwood Middle School

Our incredibly talented middle school art teacher, Mr. Hampson, has just unveiled a spectacular new mural at the Middle School! The mural serves as a visual representation of a new school year and a testament to the dedication and creativity within our school community, with Mr. Hampson working nearly 30 hours after school to complete the mural!

Longwood Schools Honored for Excellence in School Safety and Student Support

At the December 8 meeting, Suffolk County Deputy Police Commissioner Risco Mention-Lewis presented the Longwood Central School District Board of Education with a proclamation for excellence in school safety and student support initiatives, including extending resources for our community and serving as a role model for schools across the county, state, and nation.

LMS Students Fill 60 Stockings for Soldiers

Under the guidance of teachers Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs. O’Connor, and Mrs. Thomas, fifth-grade students collected nearly 250 pounds of Halloween candy, as well as new toiletries and snacks, which were organized into 60 festive holiday stockings to be distributed to our local veterans through Stockings for Soldiers.

NYSED Conducts Digital Equity Survey

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is administering a digital equity survey that will provide information on student access to devices and the internet in their places of residence.

District Educators Recognized at Board of Education Tenure Presentation

Before the start of the November 9 meeting, the Board of Education and Central Administration recognized and celebrated 30 newly-tenured administrators and teachers. 

Another Spectacular Safe Halloween Takes Place at Longwood High School

Once again, the Late Afternoon Program (LAP) at the high school hosted Safe Halloween, transforming hallways into a fun, interactive Halloween adventure for children in our community.

Longwood Middle School Celebrates Successful STEAM Event

Longwood Middle School is pleased to announce the success of a recent science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) event in collaboration with BASF Corporation, where fifth-grade students participated in exciting laboratory activities designed to ignite their passion for STEAM and STEAM-related careers.

Superintendent Dr. Lohman Speaks at School Bus Safety Initiative

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Lohman recently spoke at a press conference as part of a school bus safety initiative, reminding motorists to take extra precautions as they begin sharing the roads with school buses. 

Celebrating a New School Year

On Friday, September 1, the Board of Education, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Lohman, central office, administrators, faculty, and staff gathered for Superintendent's Conference Day to celebrate the start of an exciting school year, recognize milestones, and learn about the goals and vision for the year ahead. 

Longwood Central School District Hosts Technology Showcase

Students K-12 and teachers presented and demonstrated more than 80 interactive instructional technologies, including coding, FIRST LEGO initiatives focused on alternative energy, Esports, Book Creator, the new STEAM lab, college and career-based technology pathways in networking, automotive mechanics, drones, competition-level high school robotics, and more!

2023-2024 Budget Vote and Board Election

After more than a decade of advocating for equitable funding, we are pleased that New York State is fulfilling the promise to fully fund the Foundation Aid formula enabling the District to offer the second-lowest levy increase to our community in more than a decade, less than one percent.

Join us for a Technology Showcase!

Join us for an evening of technology on Tuesday, April 25 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at Longwood Middle School, where our students and teachers will highlight the new and exciting instructional technologies being implemented throughout the District.

District Launches WherestheBus Application!

We are excited to announce that starting today, parents and guardians can utilize the new WheresTheBus application to securely track the arrival of their child's bus. This new app provides an enhanced and convenient school bus experience that delivers real-time tracking of bus locations via email and push notification alerts to assist our families in best managing their daily school bus experience.

The 2023-24 single-page calendar is now available!

The 2023-24 single-page calendar is now available!

Sixth-Grade Artists Create MLK Mural

As participants arrived at the Coram Firehouse for last weekend's Unity Walk, they were greeted by a beautiful, oversized mural created by our students.

District's Community Connections Committee Hosts Unity Walk in Honor of MLK Day!

In honor and observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the District's Community Connections Committee hosted a Unity Walk on Saturday, January 14, focusing on service learning, civil rights, and solidarity!